Saturday, November 12, 2011

Jack Benway was a pedophile

Jack Benway was a pedophile

We are working out our own destiny
Throats slit from ear to ear
Everyone finds out soon enough
A broken jaw in three places
Pins to hold it together
Eating soup for a month
Life turns us all into fools
Falling off rooftops
Missing the mark
Torture, dope, and perversion
My three guardian angels
Crashing them against the wall
Banging their heads
Over and over again
Reporting every death
I told you it would soon be over
Marked intensity
Constant diligence
I am from the future
Disappearing into the crowd
Just like the enemy
There is no negotiation
Every infidel dead
Believe in me or die
A cruel and nasty death
A demonstration of manifestation
A kick in the balls
Lawless, violent, and explosive
Too many promises
Too many lies
Too many hands in my pockets
You unzip my pants
And pull me out
The same fundamental urge
Nothing could stop me
Shooting them on the spot
I dragged them home to put them in the soup
Passing away in a cloud
The smell of mustard gas
A clear and visible enemy
Eating their hearts out
So hopelessly perplexed
Muddled and beaten
Just a hero in their minds
A fiasco from the start
Putting things in order for the bastards
They are all bastards
pure and simple
drifting from day to day
every detail about the other world
just momentary glimpses
the flash of brilliance
one of the last and the least
all the others, standing high
upon the shoulders of giants
living submerged
underground in my lab
details and more details
bursts of trance-like inspiration
I stopped being myself
Many years ago
They were always waiting to receive me
An assortment of odds and ends
Suddenly it all pours through me
In the midst of the frenzy
Remembering the bodies
They ceased to be human
Now they were my subjects
All the imbeciles
The whole lot of them morons
Parts for the machinery
I build the machine
Death greases the wheels of the machine
Thoughts crawling out
Glued together
Above this life
Tugging away at me
A demonic hand
Pilling me in directions
Not my own
Some master plan
I was truly alone
With only my dreams
Falling into the abyss
The darkest spot in the universe
Walking on the tightrope
Reading the letters in the sky
Interpreting the clues
Building the tower
Combining the pieces
Written in my own hand
Exterminating them all
They could not see
With their own eyes
It was a borrowed vision
Looking into their shallow graves
As the planets revolve around my head
They are spinning with no purpose
Drifting off into space

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