Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Looking at five weeks away

Looking at five weeks away

We look for signs
Any sign
As we watch the surface
To recognize
Like the churning sea
Would you have been more aware?

Remember the confusion?
It was an essential ingredient
You are still coming to grips with the idea

More Oedipus than king
This is no accident
Trying to find his way
And rightly so
The sorting went on within
Through squandered flesh
This private ocean

A wholly modern concept
Both of them looking the same
Flowing through my veins
Conveyance of the essence
Unsure which is which
Following the tides

The reptilian brain
Racing through the bloody
It shoots outward
Life among ugliness
Sky’s blended tapestry
The mix of affection

Discovered by fame and fortune
I staring in wonderment
Must squeeze through
It is so much easier to make evil
Dull as they are
Their feet of clay
I am still in awe

Showing all the intricacies
Thrill of the barbarous
Always poised to resist
With crisp cold air biting
To stand against the crime

Forming a little clump
We cross together
The small
Against the great
Our strength is in unity
Solid like steel

My openings and closings
The carefully drawn circle
We become solid
Experience and instinct were all
The breeze chilling the bones
Like stones

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