Wednesday, June 9, 2010



I am empty,
fill me with yourself,
into my hollow squeeze,
that which is you.
See through my eyes,
something never before,
new horizons unfold,
for you a new day.
Feel my bones,
they rattle for you,
deep down inside,
witch doctor’s surprise.
Drink the snake venom,
live the vision,
strip away the mortal coil,
free from civilization.
Run naked through the garden,
return to a former state,
before sin entered your heart,
when you were a god.
The sting of death,
was not upon you,
no blemish or spot,
a perfect sacrifice.
Cast aside your illusions,
purchase the fresher stuff,
it’s your money that makes,
you what you are.
People don’t like you,
because you are cute or funny,
it’s your money they like,
trickle down my leg.
You tuck your revenge,
up under your eyelids,
it is safer than your bra,
just the other day.
Lost fifty dollars,
spent it on a doll,
It was one of those,
inflatable kind.
Pure plastic,
hormonal melodrama,
only found on your television,
a reality infused sleepover.
Melt your plastic on the altar,
type in your secret code,
it connects your to the economy,
feel alive and human.
You see we are not real,
if we don’t spend,
coming up soon,
new and improved.

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